What’s the story behind your logo?

Like tattoos, I often want to know what’s the story behind a logo. Not to judge your butterfly tattoo, but to hear the excitement behind why those shades of colour or why in that location. One of my character traits is being intentional, so I like to think you were as intentional as I would be if I was to get a tattoo. I don’t have a tattoo, instead, I have a logo! Forgive me if I am wrong about you being intentional because there was none, and congratulations on your spontaneity-I’m working on that character trait!    

Back to the NLC Logo! Maybe it’s the athlete in me, but I am a firm believer in the “Home” and “Away” logos. The same logo but using branded colours allows for a switch out based on the location of the logo. If you have an all-white logo, you might need an alternate logo if you want to have the decal put onto your white car. Blue background with white text is NLC’s “Home”, and Gray background with white text is NLC’s “Away”. I mashed the two logos up for the blog post image, but I do use both logos at various times.

But, where did the colours come from? 

Back in April of 2018, ( I can be specific because I know exactly where I was when this happened), I had a conversation with the amazing Jessica from Markethouse. I was talking about knowing I needed a new logo but it was overwhelming for me to even start thinking about putting a new one together. I told her that the only thing I know was that I love Blue, Gray, and White. Jessica said that made total sense to her because, “You are the Blue, Gray is what you do, and White is your atmosphere!”  *Insert HUGE grin and the feeling of being seen! 

BLUE is the colour of my eyes and on any given day, the light can make them pop or shine to the point someone thinks I am wearing coloured contacts. I have always appreciated my blue eyes. My husband also calls me “Blue” as a term of endearment. I have always been drawn to blue. When I was 8 and I thought I would become a marine biologist, the ocean colours always brought me calm. They still do, but alas, no orcas or dolphins in my backyard! 

Like a classic Blue suit, I hope to bring professionalism, and energy to your business or NFP. Not neon blue energy, but hopeful and oceanic life-giving energy. I hope that like the classic blue suit, I can come alongside you to make you feel confident and powerful! I hope you appreciate my BLUE too!

GRAY is a tone/shade/colour that I have always been drawn to, so much that my wedding dress was a surprise to my husband and it was “gunmetal gray”. Gray matched with almost any colour, can make the other colours pop or stand out. On it’s on, Gray is subtle and calming, and while some might see Gray as drab or dreary, I have always loved a good rainstorm and the grey clouds or fog that accompany it. For me, Gray is comforting and calming-it relaxes me!

My hope for our NLC clients is that when they work with us, they walk away from a project we have helped them with or a coaching session we have facilitated, that they feel calmer and more relaxed about their situation or business. We want to bring peace and calmness to your professional world!

WHITE is clean and peaceful, but it is also crisp, professional, clear (like expectations), works well with other colours or fabrics, and is sometimes unattainable. White shorts and pants are the elusive clothing article that I could just never get away with. Ironically, white is often most appreciated when it is no longer white-think white t-shirt and add red spaghetti sauce! 

At NLC, we want to help you bring calm and order to your business or NFP. We strive to help you reign in the chaos or stress, and to help you peacefully obtain the atmosphere and environment you desire. Our logo isn’t flashy, it’s subtle and simple. Our logo isn’t the whole story but it represents us and what we bring to you and your world! 

So, like a tattoo, there IS a story behind the NLC logo. What’s YOUR story and what’s your NEXT LEVEL?


Are you in a rut?


“Best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour!”